The Sisense Breach: A wake-up call to move beyond SBOMs

The Sisense Breach incident underscores the susceptibility of companies to software supply chain attacks when SaaS apps are compromised. Each incident presents challenges and also offers valuable lessons to bolster resilience, emphasizing the inevitability of such attacks.

The Sisense Breach: A wake-up call to move beyond SBOMs | SC Media ( 

Are AI data poisoning attacks the new software supply chain attack?

With rapid AI adoption happening across varying business units, maintaining the integrity of those systems — and preventing AI data poisoning attacks — is a growing concern. But how do these attacks occur, and why should businesses be worried?

Are AI data poisoning attacks the new software supply chain attack? | Security Magazine

Beyond Silos: Why Fraud Detection and API Security Must Converge

Fraud detection and cybersecurity have traditionally been separate disciplines. However, increasingly sophisticated attacks, especially those targeting APIs with malicious bots, demand a more integrated defense

Beyond Silos: Why Fraud Detection and API Security Must Converge – CPO Magazine

Solving the cyber risk financial dilemma

Instead of an either-or choice, organizations should strike a balance through a two-pronged approach to financially prudent cyber resiliency. This consists of investing in cybersecurity controls while purchasing insurance that aligns with risk tolerance to cover losses following a potential cyber incident.

Solving the cyber risk financial dilemma | Marsh

The CISO’s Guide To AI: Embracing Innovation While Mitigating Risk

CISOs are always being asked to do more with less; advancing business objectives while staying within budget. Managing risk in this type of environment is difficult, to say the least. Yet there may be hope on the horizon from an unlikely source.

The CISO’s Guide To AI: Embracing Innovation While Mitigating Risk (

3 Steps Executives and Boards Should Take to Ensure Cyber Readiness

Many teams think they’re ready for a cyberattack, but events have shown that many don’t have an adequate incident response plan.

3 Steps Executives and Boards Should Take to Ensure Cyber Readiness (

Expect the Unexpected: 3 Lessons for Building a Culture of Security

The more security is ingrained into an organization’s daily practices, and the more security is everyone’s responsibility, the more vigilant and responsive an organization will be.

Expect the Unexpected: 3 Lessons for Building a Culture of Security (

The art of threat modeling: 3 frameworks to know

Organizations should use the frameworks in a manual or automated way to better understand the security threats they’re up against.

The art of threat modeling: 3 frameworks to know | Cybersecurity Dive

Supply Chain Cybersecurity – the importance of everyone

The only way to bat down malicious exploits and improve supply chain security is to get closer to our suppliers, ask the right questions, and do our due diligence.

Supply Chain Cybersecurity – the importance of everyone | Tripwire

NIS2 Directive: A game-changer in Nordic energy cyber defense

The NIS2 Directive is set to redefine EU’s cybersecurity with stringent measures, broader coverage and significant penalties for non-compliance

NIS2 Directive: A game-changer in Nordic energy cyber defense | EY Sweden
