Firms fear software stack breach as attack surface widens

Almost 80% believe their organization is vulnerable to multi-tiered cyber-attacks that can impact the entire application stack in the next 12 months, with 48% noting that an expanded attack surface has posed more challenges.

Firms fear software stack breach as attack surface widens | ZDNET

CEO, CIO or CFO: Who Should Your CISO Report To?

CISO is essential in almost every company that relies on digital information. They are responsible for developing and implementing strategies to harden the organization’s defenses against cyberattacks. This article will explore the advantages and disadvantages of different reporting structures and give you some points to consider when structuring your organization’s CISO reporting relationship.

Who Does Your CISO Report To? (

Slow Adoption and Expanding Attack Surface; Zero Trust Will Not Stop Over 50% Of Attacks by 2026

Unlike the traditional network security that focuses on perimeter security, the zero trust security model explicitly identifies users and devices and grants them enough access to operate with minimal friction and risk. Despite its effectiveness and the current marketing hype, Gartner warned that zero trust uptake was slow, and threat actors were shifting focus to areas beyond zero trust coverage.

Gartner: Slow Adoption and Expanding Attack Surface; Zero Trust Will Not Stop Over 50% Of Attacks by 2026 – CPO Magazine

Make Developers the Driver of Software Security Excellence

Many businesses are falling behind in their cybersecurity strategies and existing infrastructure. The power of skilled people is often missed in a functioning defensive program. It’s time we assess the viable quick wins that are right in front of us and use the human resources we already have in-house.

Make Developers the Driver of Software Security Excellence (

98% of organizations worldwide connected to breached third-party vendors

A total of 98% of organizations worldwide have integrations with at least one third-party vendor that has been breached in the last two years, according to a report released Wednesday from SecurityScorecard and the Cyentia Institute.

98% of organizations worldwide connected to breached third-party vendors | Cybersecurity Dive

Close Encounters of the Third- (and Fourth-)… | SecurityScorecard

More Must Be Done To Protect Essential Industries from Cyberattacks

Essential industries keep our society going, but they also face unique cybersecurity challenges such as budgetary restrictions, largely non-technical end users and stakeholders who might not fully recognize the risks they face in today’s threat landscape.

More Must Be Done To Protect Essential Industries From Cyberattacks (

Keeping the Lights On: How Plant Operators Manage Cyber Risk

If a region can’t keep the lights on, pretty much everything must come to a halt until the issue is remedied. For this reason, the power and energy industry has become a prime target for cyberattacks on operational technology (OT).

Keeping the Lights On: How Plant Operators Manage Cyber Risk (

Think of cyber risk as business risk

Cyber risk as business risk isn’t new. For example, cybersecurity compliance has long been a reality for organizations. But trends tied to a new post-pandemic reality for employees and businesses will accelerate the blurring of cyber and business risk lines this year.

Think of cyber risk as business risk | SC Media (

Adversarial machine learning 101: A new cybersecurity frontier

Adversarial machine learning (AML) is a dynamic and multi-faceted discipline within the realm of cybersecurity that is gaining significant attention and traction in the current digital landscape. The exponential growth of digital data and the unrelenting advancement of cyber-attacks have made the need for effective AML solutions imperative.

Adversarial Machine Learning Examples Explained – Dataconomy

Black swans events are shaping the cybersecurity present and future

The digital decentralization of 2020, industry growth of 2021 and inevitable bust of 2022 have been a whirlwind of events in just three short years. But their challenges and opportunities will move us forward to a more cyber secure world.

Black swans events are shaping the cybersecurity present and future | VentureBeat
