How to Develop and Maximize an Effective Cybersecurity Budget

Cybersecurity budgeting is a complex and evolving process that requires chief information security officers (CISO) to know the ins and outs of their organizations and how to make a compelling argument for resources that C-suites and boards will understand. Five cybersecurity leaders share their insight into budgeting challenges and strategies

How to Develop and Maximize an Effective Cybersecurity Budget (

The old “trust but verify” adage should be the motto for every CISO

Zero trust is not enough. CISOs should abandon trust and focus on verifying everything from third-party tools to their teams’ abilities.

The old “trust but verify” adage should be the motto for every CISO | CSO Online

How Indian organisations are keeping pace with cyber security

Indian organisations are shoring up their defences to improve their cyber resilience amid intensifying cyber threats targeted at key sectors such as healthcare and logistics

How Indian organisations are keeping pace with cyber security | Computer Weekly

How to Secure Business Communication Tools in an Increasingly Digital Work Environment

The increase in remote work has also compounded the security problem since home offices introduce the risk of cybersecurity issues that occur outside of a protected corporate network.

How to Secure Business Communication Tools in an Increasingly Digital Work Environment – CPO Magazine

SEC to require companies to disclose cybersecurity incidents

Companies will be required to explain how they identify and manage significant cyber threats as well as explain risks posed by previous incidents. Companies also will be required to detail how their board of directors supervises cyber risk as well as their expertise for doing so. These details will be required to appear in companies’ annual reports.

SEC to require companies to disclose cybersecurity incidents (

Why CISOs Should Get Involved With Cyber Insurance Negotiation

Changing a CISO’s mindset from thinking of the cyber insurer as a financial partner to a threat intelligence partner creates huge benefits for both sides. The insurers benefit because an educated CISO means reduced risk for the insurance company and clients.

Why CISOs Should Get Involved With Cyber Insurance Negotiation (

Engaging the board to ensure effective cyber security

Data breaches are the nightmare scenario that I think keep most CISOs awake at night, which is exactly why a joined-up approach is needed across all levels of the business.

Engaging the board to ensure effective cyber security | BCS

10 steps to choose and deploy a network-security solution

Steps for deploying network-security applications, tools and services are broadly the same, whether you’re buying a next-gen firewall, a cloud access security broker (CASB), an intrusion-detection system. Similar procedures can also be applied to other aspects of information security.

10 steps to choose and deploy a network-security solution | SC Media (

Security hygiene and posture management: A work in progress

Security hygiene and posture management may be the bedrock of cybersecurity, but new research shows it is still decentralized and complex in most organizations.

Security hygiene and posture management: A work in progress | TechTarget

How credential stuffing works (and how to stop it)

Credential stuffing attacks make up 34% of all login attempts, as malicious actors attempt to take over your account. But just how does it work, and what can we do to stop these campaigns? Let’s find out.

How credential stuffing works (and how to stop it) (
