What “Beginner” Skills do Security Leaders Need to Refresh?

Modern security leaders must work across divisions to secure technology and help meet business objectives. To stay relevant, the CISO must have a broad range of skills to maintain adequate security and collaborate with teams of varying technical expertise.

What “Beginner” Skills do Security Leaders Need to Refresh? (

New CISA Guidelines Lay Out Unified International Principles on Security-by-Design and Security-by-Default

Calling the current state of technology “vulnerable by design,” the Report aims to encourage technology manufacturers to integrate security into their products from the ground up, factoring security into product development beginning at the design phase.

New CISA Guidelines Lay Out Unified International Principles on Security-by-Design and Security-by-Default – Lexology

Anatomy of a Malicious Package Attack

As the name implies, a malicious package is software that is created with malicious intent. What makes them particularly concerning is that they are remarkably easy to create. Useful for any number of malicious intentions, these packages are hard to avoid and to detect, unless you know what to look for.

Anatomy of a Malicious Package Attack (

Leading with a Risk-Informed Cybersecurity Spending Strategy

In today’s environment, companies must assume malign cyber operations are inevitable and pose significant business, continuity, and operational risk. By taking a smart, measured, and calculated approach to cybersecurity, companies can effectively traverse the tough cyber waters while reducing their risk and exposure.

Leading with a Risk-Informed Cybersecurity Spending Strategy (

Perspectives on Cyber Risk 2023: the real cost of a data breach

As organisations face increasing exposure and risk as technology evolves, community expectations around data management grow, and regulators increase their scrutiny, organisations that regard cyber risk as a low or medium priority are vulnerable.

Perspectives on Cyber Risk 2023: the real cost of a data breach – Insight – MinterEllison

Ransom demands, recovery times, payments and breach lawsuits all on the rise

The lull in ransomware that marked the start of the year is over. Ransomware groups have resumed attacks, and organizations must redouble their efforts to defend themselves against increasing attacks

Ransom demands, recovery times, payments and breach lawsuits all on the rise | SC Media (

Inside BlackBerry’s cyber security playbook

In an interview with Computer Weekly, John Giamatteo, BlackBerry’s president of cyber security, and Tash Stamatelos, its newly appointed vice-president of sales in Asia-Pacific (APAC), discuss the company’s cyber security strategy, its footprint in APAC, and its investments in threat intelligence and zero-trust network access (ZTNA).

Inside BlackBerry’s cyber security playbook | Computer Weekly

Navigating the threat landscape: The growing menace of cybercrime

Cybercrime is a growing problem that businesses cannot ignore and will need to incorporate into how they approach 2023 priorities. To stay ahead of the curve, companies need to invest in the right people and technology and adopt a proactive approach to security. By doing so, they can minimize the risk of cyberattacks and ensure the safety and security of their data and systems.

Navigating the threat landscape: The growing menace of cybercrime | Security Magazine

The Cybersecurity Friction Between Globalization and Localization

Globalization and localization have hit a crossroads due to legislation and security concerns. How we proceed from here will have a significant impact on world trade and the global economy for many years to come. By prioritizing data security, we can be much more proactive about protecting sensitive information and critical assets.

The Cybersecurity Friction Between Globalization and Localization – CPO Magazine

Cybersecurity in the Cloud: The Challenging Hurdles It Has To Overcome

The ubiquity of the cloud in both private and professional realms means most end users are accustomed to accessing cloud services. For users, the cloud means ease, accessibility, and continuity. For security and legal professionals, the story is a bit different.

Cybersecurity in the Cloud: The Challenging Hurdles It Has To Overcome | Tripwire
