Cyber resilience: A business imperative CISOs must get right

With ransomware at an all-time high, companies need to understand that being cyber resilient means going beyond compliance to considering all aspects of a business, from operational continuity to software supply chain security.

Cyber resilience: A business imperative CISOs must get right | CSO Online

Strategic Cyber Defense: Balancing Threat-Centric and Risk-Centric Approaches

In the rapidly evolving world of cybersecurity, distinguishing between vulnerabilities, cyber threats, and cyber risks is not just a technicality—it’s a necessity. As threats grow more sophisticated, the distinction between these concepts becomes crucial for businesses aiming to mature their security posture.

Strategic Cyber Defense: Balancing Threat-Centric and Risk-Centric Approaches – CPO Magazine

How the Internet of Things (IoT) became a dark web target – and what to do about it

With their interconnected nature and vulnerabilities, IoT devices are attractive entry points for cybercriminals. They are highly desirable targets since they often represent a single point of vulnerability that can impact numerous victims simultaneously.

How the Internet of Things (IoT) became a dark web target – and what to do about it | World Economic Forum (

The Fall of the National Vulnerability Database

Since its inception, three key factors have affected the NVD’s ability to classify security concerns — and what we’re experiencing now is the result.

The Fall of the National Vulnerability Database (

New cybersecurity sheets from CISA and NSA: An overview

A total of five CSI sheets, covering various aspects of cloud security such as threat mitigation, identity and access management, network security and more.

New cybersecurity sheets from CISA and NSA: An overview (

How a converged IT/OT SOC can protect critical infrastructure

As critical infrastructure systems become more connected and complex, they also become more vulnerable to cyberattacks that can disrupt operations, compromise safety, and cause economic losses.

How a converged IT/OT SOC can protect critical infrastructure     | SC Media (

The World Cybercrime Index: What is it and why is it important?

It is the current best attempt at mapping the global geography of cybercrime, partially, at least, lifting the veil of anonymity cybercriminals have enjoyed for so long.

The World Cybercrime Index: What is it and why is it important? | Tripwire

Cyber insurance costs are stabilizing as global market grows

Increased capacity is helping to meet rising demand for cyber coverage and more insurers are using tools to assess potential risk, a report from S&P Global Ratings shows.

Cyber insurance costs are stabilizing as global market grows | Cybersecurity Dive

Cyber attribution: Do you really need to know?

Cyber attribution — finding exactly who perpetrated a given cyberattack — has seemingly become a cybersecurity goal in and of itself. But do organizations really need to know?

Cyber attribution: Do you really need to know? | Security Magazine

Three Psychological Theories to Ensure Cybersecurity Training Sticks

Research from psychology offers ways to work in concert with how people naturally operate, tapping into the human element and making training more effective.

Three Psychological Theories to Ensure Cybersecurity Training Sticks – Infosecurity Magazine (
