Why cyber is also a CIO problem

While many organizations have a CISO to attend to daily security concerns and coordinate broader enterprise strategy, cyber threats and the accompanying fallout are a CIO problem, too.

Why cyber is also a CIO problem | CIO Dive

India One of the Most Targeted Countries for Hacktivist Groups

In the last three months, hacktivists have claimed 480 DDoS attacks targeting Indian websites, making India the most targeted country for hacktivist groups tracked by Radware’s Threat Intelligence team. As hacktivism tactics and beliefs keep changing, public and private organizations and governments must ensure the safety and continuity of their online services and business.

India One of the Most Targeted Countries for Hacktivist Groups – Radware Blog

Increasing Cyber Resiliency in Critical Power Sector: Need of the Hour

Cyber threats to the electricity system are constantly evolving, making it necessary for all stakeholders to continuously assess their vulnerabilities and risk profile to maintain readiness and resilience. This includes being mindful of both the risks to the system and the risks posed by the system.


Security breaches push digital trust to the fore

As digital transformation initiatives continue, there’s an opportunity to embed digital trust in the fabric of the organization. It goes beyond compliance, requiring siloed areas to be broken down and treated as a cohesive whole.

Security breaches push digital trust to the fore | CSO Online

Rebooting Your Cybersecurity Hygiene: Best Practices to Combat Miscommunication

Annual security awareness training programs only serve to introduce concepts. For people to build good cyber hygiene habits, they need ongoing reinforcement that keeps these activities top of mind.

Rebooting Your Cybersecurity Hygiene: Best Practices to Combat Miscommunication – CPO Magazine

5 Ways Security Testing Can Aid Incident Response

The core elements of a well-designed cybersecurity testing program should help the organization identify and remediate vulnerabilities, continuously challenge detection and response capabilities, refine threat intelligence-gathering priorities, and enhance overall incident preparedness through continuous stress-testing of response plans.

5 Ways Security Testing Can Aid Incident Response (

How to counter the most risky cloud computing threats?

Security issues in cloud computing pose significant challenges for organizations. While the cloud offers numerous benefits, it also introduces a range of risks that demand attention. By proactively addressing security concerns, organizations can harness the power of the cloud while maintaining the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of their data and resources.

14 Security Issues In Cloud Computing And Their Solutions – Dataconomy

Why and how to report a ransomware attack

Despite an industrywide push to stop blaming and shaming organizations that are hit by a ransomware attack, the reputational and financial damage that often follows victims in the wake of an attack prevents many private organizations from coming forward.

Some organizations, particularly during the heightened period of stress following a ransomware attack, may not know who to turn to or where to report the criminal activity.

Why and how to report a ransomware attack | Cybersecurity Dive

Is Patching the Holy Grail of Cybersecurity?

A proactive approach to cybersecurity includes ensuring all software is up-to-date across assets. This also includes applying patches to close up vulnerabilities. This practice minimizes risk, as it eliminates outdated software versions in the process. Does this make patching a catch-all cybersecurity solution?

Is Patching the Holy Grail of Cybersecurity? (

A Requirements-Driven Approach to Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) serves a broad purpose: to inform, advise, and empower stakeholders within an organization. Successful CTI functions invariably put stakeholder intelligence requirements at the heart of their mission statement. But, any CTI team can and should adopt a requirements-focused approach.

A Requirements-Driven Approach to Cyber Threat Intelligence | Mandiant
