6 Pain Points for CISOs and CIOs and What to Do About Them

CISOs and CIOs must keep themselves and their organizations up to date with the evolving technology and security landscapes, which means they often need to spearhead change-driven projects. Driving organization-wide change is challenging in any scenario, but even more so if CIOs and CISOs don’t have regular communication and buy-in at the board level.

6 Pain Points for CISOs and CIOs and What to Do About Them (informationweek.com)

The undeniable benefits of making cyber resiliency the new standard

Enterprise leaders are looking beyond defensive security postures to ensure their organizations are resilient in the face of a cyber event. Here’s how they think about, measure and report on resiliency.

The undeniable benefits of making cyber resiliency the new standard | CSO Online

Identifying Plant Floor Cybersecurity Risks

Industrial control systems (ICS) and operations technology (OT) are vulnerable to cyberthreats and vulnerabilities that target crucial industrial processes. The effects go far beyond data breaches and have the power to upend entire industries, jeopardize security and even put lives in danger. When identifying risks and factors to consider for OT/ICS environments, the following are often noted as being most critical

Identifying Plant Floor Cybersecurity Risks | Automation World

Protect Critical Infrastructure With Same Rigor as Classified Networks

Government security processes are often viewed as tedious and burdensome — but applying the lessons learned from them is imperative for private industry to counter a nation-state threat.

Protect Critical Infrastructure With Same Rigor as Classified Networks (darkreading.com)

Why cyber risk and insurance due diligence should be part of your M&A process

Conducting a thorough due diligence investigation is a key part of any successful merger or acquisition (M&A). Most deal teams recognize the importance of robust due diligence to uncover any issues as early as possible. But they may be unaware that cyber vulnerabilities can be inherited through transactions, potentially putting their new venture at risk.

Why cyber risk and insurance due diligence should be part of your M&A process – Lexology

Is Cybersecurity Entering A Balance Sheet Recession?

In traditional economics, a balance sheet recession occurs when businesses focus on paying down debt rather than investing in growth. Analogously, the cybersecurity industry is veering toward its own balance sheet crisis.

Is Cybersecurity Entering A Balance Sheet Recession? (forbes.com)

Moving beyond vulnerability scanning to strengthen your attack surface

As cyberattacks grow in sophistication and scale and with a large number of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) cataloged each year, it’s becoming increasingly clear that vulnerability scanning is not enough.

Moving beyond vulnerability scanning to strengthen your attack surface (securityintelligence.com)

3 rising AI trends CISOs must prepare for

Any emerging technology, including AI, requires caution and guardrails. When leaders prioritize ongoing education, understand how to protect against an evolving set of threats and leverage technology for stronger cybersecurity and data protection solutions, they can contribute to a positive version of the future.

3 rising AI trends CISOs must prepare for | Security Magazine

HTTP/2 ‘Rapid Reset’ zero-day exploited in biggest DDoS deluge seen yet

A zero-day vulnerability in the HTTP/2 protocol was exploited to launch the largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on record, according to Cloudflare.

HTTP/2 ‘Rapid Reset’ zero-day exploited in biggest DDoS yet • The Register

Compliance vs. Security: Striking the Right Balance in Cybersecurity

Compliance and security often go hand in hand as ideas that attempt to protect against cyber threats. While both compliance and security are designed to lower risk, they are not mutually inclusive—that is, not everything that is required for compliance will necessarily help with security, and not everything that bolsters security will necessarily put you in compliance.

It is important to understand how compliance and security work and how they affect each other in order to stay ahead of threats.

Compliance vs. Security: Striking the Right Balance in Cybersecurity | Tripwire
