The Makings of a Successful Threat-Hunting Program

Threat hunters can help build defenses as they work with offensive security teams to identify potential threats and build stronger threat barriers.

The Makings of a Successful Threat-Hunting Program (

How Cybersecurity Policy Has Changed Since the SolarWinds Attack

Major cyberattacks since 2019 jolted the U.S. government and software industry into action. The succeeding years have seen executive orders, new funding, two summits and a newfound resolve.

How Cybersecurity Policy Has changed Since the SolarWinds Attack (

How Observability Can Help Manage Complex IT Networks

The key to improving IT infrastructure management is observability, a matter of growing concern for IT leaders as networks become more complex.

Observability can Help Management of Complex IT Networks (

What is in Your SOC?

Organizations developing a Security operations center (SOC) should consider which strategy they should adopt based on available cybersecurity professional resources: offensive or defensive?

What is in Your SOC? Offensive or defensive culture for… | by John P. Gormally, SR | Aug, 2022 | Medium

Why Automotive Cybersecurity Is Important

Cybersecurity is becoming a fundamental concern for the development of autonomous vehicle (AV) systems, as attacks can have serious consequences for autonomous electric vehicles and can put human lives at risk. Software attacks include data-driven decisions negatively impacting the autonomy of EVs and compromising the benefits of autonomous cars.

EE Times Europe – Why Automotive Cybersecurity Is Important

Ransomware May Grab the Headlines, But You Shouldn’t Ignore the Cyber Threat of FTF

Funds transfer fraud may not make headlines like ransomware, but it can be just as devastating for small businesses if they are not prepared.

Ransomware May Grab the Headlines, But You Shouldn’t Ignore the Cyber Threat of FTF : Risk & Insurance (

Malware Madness: Understanding the Evolving Malware Landscape & Novel Threat Techniques

To avoid falling victim to malware, security leaders must understand how such threats are evolving, regularly revisit their malware protection strategy, and account for all possible entry points.

Malware Madness: Understanding the Evolving Malware Landscape & Novel Threat Techniques – CPO Magazine

How Dynamic Authorisation Can Help Fraud Prevention

In many cases, organisations had been relying on role-based access control (RBAC) to determine who could gain access to IT resources. However, while this worked well when users and resources were within a corporate firewall, it does not provide sufficient protection in the post-COVID world of work.  Now, a, growing number are turning to a new approach termed attribute-based access control (ABAC). This combines centralized control with user-level context to make real-time decisions.

How dynamic authorisation can help fraud prevention – Cyber Security Connect

Strengthening cybersecurity with digital twin thinking

To effectively deal with the rise in cybersecurity attacks, the sector needs advanced data solutions that empower the professional to correlate and analyse connections at a real-world scale. And there’s some good news here at last — the application of graph-based defences.

Strengthening cybersecurity with digital twin thinking | IDG Connect

Google’s open-source bug bounty aims to clamp down on supply chain attacks

Google has introduced a new vulnerability rewards program to pay researchers who find security flaws in its open-source software or in the building blocks that its software is built on. It’ll pay anywhere from $101 to $31,337 for information about bugs in projects like Angular, GoLang, and Fuchsia or for vulnerabilities in the third-party dependencies that are included in those projects’ codebases.

Google’s open-source bug bounty aims to clamp down on supply chain attacks – The Verge
