Assessing the pros and cons of AI for cybersecurity

AI has significant implications for cybersecurity, both in terms of enhancing cybersecurity defenses and creating new challenges and risks. When examining this technology, it’s important to consider the pros and cons.

Assessing the pros and cons of AI for cybersecurity | Security Magazine

No evidence ransomware victims with cyber insurance pay up more often, UK report says

The independent study, published Monday and sponsored by the U.K.’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the Research Institute for Sociotechnical Cyber Security, addresses concerns that the cyber insurance industry is aiding cybercriminals by covering ransom payments.

No evidence ransomware victims with cyber insurance pay up more often, UK report says (

Cyber Insurance and the Ransomware Challenge | Royal United Services Institute (

10 Reasons for Optimism in Cybersecurity

Another data breach, a new virulent variant of ransomware, burnt out employees, too little money, and too many threats — the world of cybersecurity can seem grim. While there is no denying the prevalence of these challenges, there is reason to be hopeful.

10 Reasons for Optimism in Cybersecurity (

Data Breach Detection and Response: Strategies for Effective Incident Management

A prompt reaction is arguably the most critical component of an effective incident response strategy. Data detection and response (DDR) solutions are one of the best ways to achieve that. This article will explore DDR and how it facilitates effective incident management.

Data Breach Detection and Response: Strategies for Effective Incident Management – CPO Magazine

How to Talk So Your CISO Will Listen

Tailor your business project proposal to suit the language your company’s CISO speaks, be it business, technical, or compliance. Do your research first and gather support from around the company.

How to Talk So Your CISO Will Listen (

Form a strategy to mitigate cybersecurity risks in AI

To mitigate the cybersecurity risks in new AI solutions, you should review and update your existing cybersecurity program. Programs must include appropriate security measures and technologies to safeguard data and systems from inadvertent mistakes and malicious attempts.

Form a strategy to mitigate cybersecurity risks in AI | Grant Thornton

Threat Intelligence Sharing: 5 Best Practices

To combat sophisticated and relentless threats effectively, organizations must adopt a collaborative approach that goes beyond their individual security measures. Threat intelligence sharing has emerged as a powerful strategy to enhance cybersecurity defenses by leveraging the collective knowledge and insights of the cybersecurity community.

Threat Intelligence Sharing: 5 Best Practices – Flare

Don’t Overlook This Critical Element in Your Cybersecurity Strategy

In the labyrinth of safeguarding measures, Attack Surface Management (ASM) emerges as a critical component that can’t be overlooked. This article delves into a comprehensive exploration of ASM, underlining its significance for SaaS startups.

Don’t Overlook This Critical Element in Your Cybersecurity Strategy | Entrepreneur

What is the cost of a data breach?

Factors such as incident type and severity, regulatory standards, company size, sector, and region can significantly affect how much a data breach could costs a business, but all organizations must carefully assess and prepare for the monetary hits that could be just around the corner should they fall victim.

What is the cost of a data breach? | CSO Online

Is secure-by-default an achievable reality?

We have come a long way in the cybersecurity sector in a relatively short period of time, but there remain many challenges in day-to-day operations that create security gaps in many organizations. One of the most common is tied to how we build our solutions, making sure they are secure out-of-the-box instead of only being evaluated during a pen test or annual review, and finding out then that there is much more that needs to be done to achieve data security.

Is secure-by-default an achievable reality? | Tripwire
