Understanding the Backdoor Debate in Cybersecurity

The debate over whether backdoor encryption should be implemented to aid law enforcement has been contentious for years. On one side of the fence, the proponents of backdoors argue that they could provide valuable intelligence and help law enforcement investigate criminals or prevent terrorist attacks. On the other side, opponents contend they would weaken overall security and create opportunities for malicious actors to exploit.

Understanding the Backdoor Debate in Cybersecurity (

How Do Modern CISOs Prove Their Value? Focus on ROI

In the past, a CISO’s role was primarily about ensuring IT security. For today’s CISO, effective security means helping the business achieve its goals, as well as protecting it from risk. Here are four ways CISO can demonstrate the value you bring to your organization.

How Do Modern CISOs Prove Their Value? Focus on ROI (

How Boards Can Set Enforceable Cyber Risk Tolerance Levels

Boards are often disconnected when making that decision and deciding on the budget. Risk in the 21st century is often quantitative with the veneer of qualitative. They have this masquerade of being quantities when they are not. We are using imprecise language as though it’s precise. Risk is nebulous. There is no actual meaningful definition of what that means in practice

How Boards Can Set Enforceable Cyber Risk Tolerance Levels (

Five strategies to safeguard intellectual property and operations from rising cyberattacks

By combining the power of technology with human talents, manufacturers can proactively defend against cyberattacks and maintain the safety and reliability of their operations, safeguard their intellectual property and reputation, and retain the trust of their customers and stakeholders.

Five strategies to safeguard intellectual property and operations from rising cyberattacks – Manufacturing Today India

Securing the Supply Chain of the 5G Network Is Critical to Its Success

Remaining one step ahead on cyber defenses is increasingly necessary to reduce the risk of compromise with both telecommunications software and component supply. 5G will launch telecommunications into the future, and protecting the infrastructure will be imperative to it reaching its potential.

Securing the Supply Chain of the 5G Network Is Critical to Its Success – CPO Magazine

7 stages of the cyber-attack lifecycle

Cyber-attacks on business infrastructure are growing in complexity, frequency and creativity. Cyber security teams are tasked with the unenviable duty of adapting to an array of constantly-evolving threats, detecting intrusions, suspicious activity and anomalies before any damage can be done.

7 stages of the cyber attack lifecycle – Maddyness UK

Generative AI & data: Potential in cybersecurity if the risks can be curtailed

The market explosion and hype around AI across the business and investment spectrum over the past few months has led people to ask: what are we to make of it all? And more specifically, how do CIOs, CSOs, and cybersecurity teams learn to deal with technology that may pose serious security and privacy risks?

Generative AI & data: Potential in cybersecurity if the risks can be curtailed | CIO

Let’s put an end to secrecy and cover-ups in ransomware attacks

By responding openly and sharing information, organisations can help mitigate the risk to their operations and reputation, as well break the cycle of crime to prevent others from falling victim

Let’s put an end to secrecy and cover-ups in ransomware attacks | Computer Weekly

Cybersecurity Needs to Be Part of Your Product’s Design from the Start

Cybersecurity must expand beyond its traditional responsibilities of safeguarding company computers to become an integral part of mainstream business innovation, sharing responsibility for the protection, and creation, of business value. The first step is to incorporate cybersecurity into the initial design of products, services, and other technology-driven projects.

Cybersecurity Needs to Be Part of Your Product’s Design from the Start (

Maritime Ransomware: Impacts and Incident Response

Cybersecurity not only prevents hackers from obtaining information and access to networks and systems, but it also protects digital assets and data. Therefore, identifying vulnerabilities, developing cybersecurity plans, and executing regular cybersecurity exercises aid to improve the safety and security of seafarers, ships, and the environment in which they operate.

Maritime Ransomware: Impacts and Incident Response (
